
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

12 miles a gallon

This will be your day today kiddos.
The car.
Kate has a dentist appointment in one town 40 minutes away.
Then I bring her back to school.
Then Nora has a doctor's appointment in a DIFFERENT town 30 minutes away.
Then we come home, just to leave and go to a mandatory parent meeting for the parents of all volleyball players.
My friend Laura has this nifty little purse sized calendar that helps her keep
track of her appointments.
I think I need one of those so that when I try and schedule two appointments
for two different kids, in two different towns,
on the same day, I will rethink that strategy.
Have a great day, everyone else.
I'm off to gas up the van.


  1. Wow that will be a long day for you! I predict a pizza order somewhere in there. Good luck.

  2. ****UGH**** at least you won't be bored eh?!

  3. d'oh!

    but you looked hot with your cute hair and your signature red lipstick...I wouldn't have guessed you were stressed!!


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