
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One of those cereal for dinner days

My day yesterday.

Was like this:
And this:

You only had to listen for 10 seconds, I got to listen to that, for like, 20 minutes.

At least.

Maybe longer.

What's that you say?

I'm sorry, I can't hear you, I have been rendered deaf by the ear splitting noise that Henry made most of the afternoon.

And I can't see you because of the gray haze and drizzle currently blocking the light.

Yeah, it was one of those days.

And yes, we had cereal for dinner.

Don't judge me.


I can't be held responsible for the quality of the food around here on days like this.

I just can't.

Thank you.


  1. You know it's desperate around here when, while on a "debt reduction program" (also known as-we're not spending) I take the kids to McDonalds. At 9:15 p.m. That's right. I locked them in a classroom at church for more than two hours with the DVD player, threw them some snacks, and had Enrichment. Love having a husband that is spread way too thin. It makes me spread even thinner. I would have gone for cereal, but eating in the car on the way home, put them to bed by 9:30.(a little quicker) Yes, it was one of those days for me too.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The video of your screaming child!!! You are a far better mom than I am....pretty sure I would have chucked something at one of mine! hahah I just watched the video of Jeff dancing and was cracking up! What is that from? I loved Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer..reminds me of him doing his Napolean Dynamite run..remember that??? Okay..and as far as your frugal thing goes...The only thing I am adamantly against is the reusing of ziplock bags...1st of all my father-in-law does that (enough of a reason there...ha ha) but I have since learned even my washing them out bad bacteria still grows there and it is just not a sanitary good thing...sorry I had to say that because you know me and germs!!!! ha ha ha ha Love you...

  3. Amy--you are too funny. All I can say is, "I know those days...well." I hope you are having a better day today. Actually, I really love cereal, so I wouldn't mind it for dinner and my kids would probably prefer it! Oh, and we had hot dogs for dinner tonight! I totally know how it goes!


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