
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Anne Marie

Anne Marie turned 21. My sweet baby Boo Boo is a “real” adult and she is going to be a mom!! Which means I will be a grandma and well, that’s just the best reward ever. 

Anne Marie is one of the most hilarious people I have ever known. She seems quiet and demure, which I guess she technically is, but wait until she’s comfortable and then you will get to know the quick witted, mildly inappropriate side she shares with those she really loves haha

She is musically, artistically gifted as well as being a fantastic writer. She is the best sister and daughter and wife and I can’t wait to see her as a mom, because I know this little girl that is coming to her and Kaelan could not ask for a better woman to raise her. 

I love being Anne Marie’s mom. She is simply the best. Happy birthday baby girl. 

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