All of my kids started school today.
Yes, ALL of them. Including Nora.
Henry started 1st grade and will be gone all day every day.
There might have been tears shed this morning.
There might have been a huge sigh as I walked into an empty house for the first time in almost 16 years.
6 hours I have to be alone. To clean the house and have it stay clean if I want. To nap or shop completely by myself.
Sounds awful. I know it will be good. I know that this is the progression of life and all that nonsense. But it SOUNDS awful.
And I miss my children. Already.
But boy were they beautiful this morning. (and you notice, NO RAIN!!!! YEEHAW!)
My little darlings. All of them.
There were quite a few butterflies floating around their stomachs today. First day of high school for 2 of them, first day of middle school for another.
I think my younger 3 were not quite as nervous. After all, they get to go to this school:
It's called the Damman School. Its a little 2 room school house right in the heart of the country where we live. K-2 are in one room, 3-5 are in another. They eat lunch outside every nice day there is. They have an hour for lunch and mid-day recess. Their teachers are out of a story book. Seriously.
There are 47 kids at their school. And I am so excited for them. The school has been around since 1890 and it is a blessing for this mama who is struggling with her kids being gone.
I can eat lunch with them, I can drop in and say high. I can volunteer as much as I want. And they don't have to ride a bus.
We also had our back to school feast and theme last night.
We ate hamburgers and french fries followed by pumpkin cake. It was well received.
I couldn't put vinyl on the walls this year because we are renting. But for our theme this year, we chose a passage from The Family: A proclamation to the world.
"Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. "
Back to school feasts and family themes were inspired by Stephanie Nielson of the NieNiedialogues.
I didn't realize until today that I chose almost the exact same passage as she did. But that's ok. It felt inspired for our family.
We have spent the whole summer just us. Barely any friends. Just my six babies enjoying each other's company.
It's been wonderful. And with a start of a new school year, where everyone will be slowly making friends, those relationships with siblings and parents will be extra important.
So focusing on strengthening our family this year seemed appropriate.
We will take the principles in the passage and have lessons on them for Family Home Evening as the year goes on. Sprinkled with fun, wholesome, family activities.
This summer has flown by. And I'm guessing the next 6 hours will too.
I'm envisioning a sparkling house and yummy after school snack for when they get home today.
And a nap. Yes. Definitely a nap:)