
Sunday, August 25, 2024


Kaelan joined our family almost two years ago when he and Anne Marie got married. 

He is the kindest, gentlest human and simply adores my daughter, so what’s not to love?

Kaelan is an EXTREMELY talented graphic designer. I mean, give the guy a crayon and a piece of scrap paper and he will create works of art. I’m not joking. 

Kaelan is going to be the best dad. The way he has taken care of Anne Marie through a very sick pregnancy, the patience he has with our loud showboating family and the way he just seems to know the right things to say makes me so excited to see him with his little girl. She is so fortunate to have such a man as her father. 

We could not have picked a better person to be a husband to our daughter and father to our granddaughter. And our other kids just think he’s the coolest ever. 

We love you bunch Kaelan and are so happy you are part of our family. Happy birthday!

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