
Sunday, August 25, 2024

(Temporary Backup) 50!!!

Turning 50 was pretty fun. Meaning I didn’t feel
Old, just progressing I guess. 

Got to karaoke with my family, go to
St George with a few of my kids and I just all around am grateful to me on this earth another what. 


Kaelan joined our family almost two years ago when he and Anne Marie got married. 

He is the kindest, gentlest human and simply adores my daughter, so what’s not to love?

Kaelan is an EXTREMELY talented graphic designer. I mean, give the guy a crayon and a piece of scrap paper and he will create works of art. I’m not joking. 

Kaelan is going to be the best dad. The way he has taken care of Anne Marie through a very sick pregnancy, the patience he has with our loud showboating family and the way he just seems to know the right things to say makes me so excited to see him with his little girl. She is so fortunate to have such a man as her father. 

We could not have picked a better person to be a husband to our daughter and father to our granddaughter. And our other kids just think he’s the coolest ever. 

We love you bunch Kaelan and are so happy you are part of our family. Happy birthday!

Last first day

When Henry and Nora started kindergarten a year apart, I knew that it would be hard to have my youngest children graduate one after another. I had no clue, however, that Nora would eventually skip a grade and end up going through high school side by side with Henry. 

I wasn’t initially excited or even ok with her skipping a grade, but watching Henry and Nora be the best of friends and take classes together and perform together had been truly lovely to watch. 

They are off to a good start for their last year of high school. Theatre productions, student council, friends, college applications, the whole nine yards. 

Yes it will be doubly heartbreaking to have them both graduate next year, but I’m so grateful for this time they had together at Merit(best school ever) academy. 

They got to have Kate as their 11th grade English teacher and they have developed friendships to last a lifetime. 

Anne Marie

Anne Marie turned 21. My sweet baby Boo Boo is a “real” adult and she is going to be a mom!! Which means I will be a grandma and well, that’s just the best reward ever. 

Anne Marie is one of the most hilarious people I have ever known. She seems quiet and demure, which I guess she technically is, but wait until she’s comfortable and then you will get to know the quick witted, mildly inappropriate side she shares with those she really loves haha

She is musically, artistically gifted as well as being a fantastic writer. She is the best sister and daughter and wife and I can’t wait to see her as a mom, because I know this little girl that is coming to her and Kaelan could not ask for a better woman to raise her. 

I love being Anne Marie’s mom. She is simply the best. Happy birthday baby girl. 


Sweet Nora turned sweet 16.  My baby is just refusing to stop growing up and I’m not ok!😭

Nora had an amazing year. She played Helen Armstrong in The Best Christmas Pageant ever and Nana in Tuck everlasting. 

She went to prom with one of her best friends and was elected to student council. 

She started driving and really coming into her own. 

Nora is kind, smart, funny and just the best to be around. I love when she randomly comes and snuggles with me and we watch shows together. Or when she asks me to braid her hair. 

Nora is a very talented artist and has the most beautiful voice. She was told she sounded like Rosemary Clooney and I agree. She has learned to sew this past year and helped out a bunch with costumes for the plays. She keeps expanding her talents and genuinely strives to always be better. 

Nora is an amazing friend and sister and daughter. She is just genuinely conscientious and caring but also knows herself and her boundaries. I really respect the person she is and look up to her. 

I seriously lucked out with this caboose and her generous nature and acerbic wit. She’s been a joy to raise and I can’t wait to see what she does next. 

Happy birthday darling Nora. We love you so much. 


22! Fun, funny, so huggable and the nicest guy ever. We super duper love this boy of ours and are grateful we get to be his parents.

Charlie is an amazing friend and brother and son. We all love being around him and his giggle is probably the best thing you will ever hear. 

He is a super good Smash player and has been ranked 9th in the state of Utah. 

Charlie has a beautiful singing voice and funky fresh style (said his mom but it’s still true) and he’s just the best and my sweet boy forever. 

 Happy birthday  Charlie. You are so loved. 

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